- From the direction of every tree was coming the cry, ‘Come towards us, O ye folk of evil fortune,’
- بانگ میآمد ز سوی هر درخت ** سوی ما آیید خلق شوربخت
- (While) from (the Divine) jealousy there was coming to the trees the cry, ‘We have bandaged their eyes;nay, there is no refuge.’
- بانگ میآمد ز غیرت بر شجر ** چشمشان بستیم کلا لا وزر
- If any one had said to them ‘Go in this direction, that ye may be made happy by these trees,’
- گر کسی میگفتشان کین سو روید ** تا ازین اشجار مستسعد شوید
- They all would have said, ‘By Divine destiny this poor intoxicated wretch has become mad: 2020
- جمله میگفتند کین مسکین مست ** از قضاء الله دیوانه شدست
- Through long melancholy and through austerities the brain of this poor wretch has turned putrid, like an onion.’
- مغز این مسکین ز سودای دراز ** وز ریاضت گشت فاسد چون پیاز
- He would have remained in astonishment, saying, ‘O Lord, what is the matter? What is this veil (blindness) and misguidance that is upon the people?’
- او عجب میماند یا رب حال چیست ** خلق را این پرده و اضلال چیست
- The people of every sort, (though endowed) with manifold discernment and understanding, do not move a foot in that direction.
- خلق گوناگون با صد رای و عقل ** یک قدم آن سو نمیآرند نقل
- By one consent the intelligent and acute amongst them have become incredulous of such a garden as this and undutiful.
- عاقلان و زیرکانشان ز اتفاق ** گشته منکر زین چنین باغی و عاق
- Or have I become mad and crazy? Has the Devil cast something (of delusion) upon my head? 2025
- یا منم دیوانه و خیره شده ** دیو چیزی مرا مرا بر سر زده
- At every moment I rub my eyes, (considering) whether I am dreaming and beholding a phantom in (the world of) time.
- چشم میمالم بهر لحظه که من ** خواب میبینم خیال اندر زمن