I, like them, am saying, ‘Oh, how wonderful! Why has the action of the Lord put such a seal (upon their eyes)?’”
من همیگویم چو ایشان ای عجب ** این چنین مهری چرا زد صنع رب
By these contentions (on the part of the unbelievers) Mohammed was astonished; Abú Lahab also remained in astonishment (at him).
زین تنازعها محمد در عجب ** در تعجب نیز مانده بولهب
Between this astonishment and that astonishment there is a profound difference. (Let us see) what the Almighty King will do (to the infidels in the end).
زین عجب تا آن عجب فرقیست ژرف ** تا چه خواهد کرد سلطان شگرف
O Daqúqí, advance more quickly (in thy quest for Unity). Hark, be silent! Inasmuch as there is a dearth of ears, how long wilt thou speak, how long?2045
ای دقوقی تیزتر ران هین خموش ** چند گویی چند چون قحطست گوش
How the seven trees became one.
یک درخت شدن آن هفت درخت
He (Daqúqí) said, “I, the fortunate one, pushed forward; again all the seven (trees) became one tree.
گفت راندم پیشتر من نیکبخت ** باز شد آن هفت جمله یک درخت
At every moment they were becoming seven and (also) a single one: (you may imagine) what I was becoming like, through bewilderment.
هفت میشد فرد میشد هر دمی ** من چه سان میگشتم ازحیرت همی
After that, I beheld the trees (engaged) in the ritual prayer, drawn up in line and (properly) arranged like the congregation (of Moslems):
بعد از آن دیدم درختان در نماز ** صف کشیده چون جماعت کرده ساز
One tree (was) in front like the Imám, the others (were) standing behind it.
یک درخت از پیش مانند امام ** دیگران اندر پس او در قیام
That standing and kneeling and bowing low on the part of the trees seemed to me very marvellous.2050
آن قیام و آن رکوع و آن سجود ** از درختان بس شگفتم مینمود
Then I called to mind the word of God: He said, concerning the stalkless plants and the trees, ‘they bow down.’
یاد کردم قول حق را آن زمان ** گفت النجم و شجر را یسجدان