- Whenever the countryman came to town, he would pitch his tent in the street of the townsman.
- روستایی چون سوی شهر آمدی ** خرگه اندر کوی آن شهری زدی
- He would be his guest for two or three months, he would be in his shop and at his table,
- دو مه و سه ماه مهمانش بدی ** بر دکان او و بر خوانش بدی
- And the townsman would provide, free of cost, everything that he wanted during that time.
- هر حوایج را که بودش آن زمان ** راست کردی مرد شهری رایگان
- (Once) he turned to the townsman and said, “Sire, are you never coming to the country for a holiday? 240
- رو به شهری کرد و گفت ای خواجه تو ** هیچ مینایی سوی ده فرجهجو
- Bring all your children, (I beg you) in God's name, for this is the time of the rose-garden and the springtide;
- الله الله جمله فرزندان بیار ** کین زمان گلشنست و نوبهار
- Or come in summer, in the fruit-season, that I may brace my belt to do you service.
- یا بتابستان بیا وقت ثمر ** تا ببندم خدمتت را من کمر
- Bring your retinue and your children and kinsfolk, and stay in our village three or four months,
- خیل و فرزندان و قومت را بیار ** در ده ما باش سه ماه و چهار
- For in spring the countryside is pleasant; there are sown fields and lovely anemones.”
- که بهاران خطهی ده خوش بود ** کشتزار و لالهی دلکش بود
- The townsman was (always) putting him off with promises, until eight years had elapsed since the (first) promise (was given). 245
- وعده دادی شهری او را دفع حال ** تا بر آمد بعد وعده هشت سال
- Every year he (the countryman) would say, “When will you set out on the journey?—for the month of December is (already) come,”
- او بهر سالی همیگفتی که کی ** عزم خواهی کرد کامد ماه دی