- She (the eagle) said, “Far be it from thee that forgetfulness grew up in thee: my seeing that invisible thing is (from) thy reflexion. 3250
- گفت دور از تو که غفلت در تو رست ** دیدنم آن غیب را هم عکس تست
- (If) I, in the air, see the serpent in the boot, ’tis not of myself, ’tis thy reflexion, O Mustafá.”
- مار در موزه ببینم بر هوا ** نیست از من عکس تست ای مصطفی
- The reflexion of the man of light is wholly resplendent; the reflexion of the man of darkness is wholly (like) a bath-stove (ash-heap).
- عکس نورانی همه روشن بود ** عکس ظلمانی همه گلخن بود
- The reflexion of the servant of God is wholly luminous; the reflexion of the stranger (to God) is wholly blindness.
- عکس عبدالله همه نوری بود ** عکس بیگانه همه کوری بود
- Know every one's reflexion: see (it plainly), O my soul. (Then) ever sit beside the congener whom thou desirest.
- عکس هر کس را بدان ای جان ببین ** پهلوی جنسی که خواهی مینشین
- The right way of taking a lesson from this story and knowing with certainty that “verily, together with hardship there is ease.”
- وجه عبرت گرفتن ازین حکایت و یقین دانستن کی ان مع العسر یسرا
- That tale is a lesson to thee, O my soul, to the end that thou mayst acquiesce in the decree of God; 3255
- عبرتست آن قصه ای جان مر ترا ** تا که راضی باشی در حکم خدا
- So that thou wilt be quick to understand and wilt have good thoughts (of God) when thou seest a calamity (befall thee) of a sudden.
- تا که زیرک باشی و نیکوگمان ** چون ببینی واقعهی بد ناگهان
- (While) others turn pale from dread of it, thou (wilt be) laughing in the hour of gain or loss, like the rose.
- دیگران گردند زرد از بیم آن ** تو چو گل خندان گه سود و زیان
- Because the rose, though thou tear it petal by petal, does not leave off laughing and does not become bent (with grief).
- زانک گل گر برگ برگش میکنی ** خنده نگذارد نگردد منثنی
- “Why,” it says, “should I fall into grief on account of a thorn? Indeed I have brought laughter (into my possession) by means of the thorn.”
- گوید از خاری چرا افتم بغم ** خنده را من خود ز خار آوردهام