- The man of Bukhárá also cast himself upon candle: because of his passion that suffering had become easy to him.
- آن بخاری نیز خود بر شمع زد ** گشته بود از عشقش آسان آن کبد
- His burning sighs went up to heaven: kindness (for him) came into the heart of the Sadr-i Jahán,
- آه سوزانش سوی گردون شده ** در دل صدر جهان مهر آمده
- (Who) said, (communing) with himself at dawn, “O (Thou who art) One, how fareth that distraught wanderer of Ours?
- گفته با خود در سحرگه کای احد ** حال آن آوارهی ما چون بود
- He committed a sin, and We saw (it), but he was not well acquainted with Our mercy. 4380
- او گناهی کرد و ما دیدیم لیک ** رحمت ما را نمیدانست نیک
- The sinner’s heart becomes afraid of Us, but in his fear there are a hundred hopes.
- خاطر مجرم ز ما ترسان شود ** لیک صد اومید در ترسش بود
- I frighten the impudent man who has lost the (right) way: why should I frighten him who is afraid?
- من بترسانم وقیح یاوه را ** آنک ترسد من چه ترسانم ورا
- Fire is used for the cold pot, not for that (pot) which is boiling over.
- بهر دیگ سرد آذر میرود ** نه بدان کز جوش از سر میرود
- I frighten the unafraid by (My) knowledge; I take away the fear of the afraid by (My) clemency.
- آمنان را من بترسانم به علم ** خایفان را ترس بردارم به حلم
- I am a patcher: I put the patch in (its proper) place; I give drink to every one in due measure.” 4385
- پارهدوزم پاره در موضع نهم ** هر کسی را شربت اندر خور دهم
- A man’s inmost consciousness is like the root of a tree; hence his leaves grow from the hard wood.
- هست سر مرد چون بیخ درخت ** زان بروید برگهاش از چوب سخت