- In falling, wind escaped from the animal: the countryman uttered a wail and beat his hands,
- اندر افتادن ز حیوان باد جست ** روستایی های کرد و کوفت دست
- (Crying), “O ungenerous (wretch), it is my ass-colt!” “Nay,” said he, “this is the devilish wolf.
- ناجوامردا که خرکرهی منست ** گفت نه این گرگ چون آهرمنست
- The features of wolfishness are apparent in it; its form makes (one) acquainted with its wolfishness.” 655
- اندرو اشکال گرگی ظاهرست ** شکل او از گرگی او مخبرست
- “Nay,” he said, “I know the wind that escaped from its arse as well as (I know) water from wine.
- گفت نه بادی که جست از فرج وی ** میشناسم همچنانک آبی ز می
- Thou hast killed my ass-colt in the meadows—mayst thou never be released from anguish!”
- کشتهای خرکرهام را در ریاض ** که مبادت بسط هرگز ز انقباض
- “Make a better investigation,” he replied; “it is night, and at night material objects are screened from the beholder.
- گفت نیکوتر تفحص کن شبست ** شخصها در شب ز ناظر محجبست
- Night causes many a thing to appear wrong and changed (from its proper aspect): not every one has the (power of) seeing correctly by night.
- شب غلط بنماید و مبدل بسی ** دید صایب شب ندارد هر کسی
- (Now there is) both night and clouds and heavy rain withal: these three darknesses produce great error.” 660
- هم شب و هم ابر و هم باران ژرف ** این سه تاریکی غلط آرد شگرف
- He said, “To me ’tis as (manifest as) bright day: I know (it), it is the wind of my ass-colt.
- گفت آن بر من چو روز روشنست ** میشناسم باد خرکرهی منست
- Amongst twenty winds I know that wind as the traveller (knows) his provisions for the journey.”
- در میان بیست باد آن باد را ** میشناسم چون مسافر زاد را