Night causes many a thing to appear wrong and changed (from its proper aspect): not every one has the (power of) seeing correctly by night.
شب غلط بنماید و مبدل بسی ** دید صایب شب ندارد هر کسی
(Now there is) both night and clouds and heavy rain withal: these three darknesses produce great error.”660
هم شب و هم ابر و هم باران ژرف ** این سه تاریکی غلط آرد شگرف
He said, “To me ’tis as (manifest as) bright day: I know (it), it is the wind of my ass-colt.
گفت آن بر من چو روز روشنست ** میشناسم باد خرکرهی منست
Amongst twenty winds I know that wind as the traveller (knows) his provisions for the journey.”
در میان بیست باد آن باد را ** میشناسم چون مسافر زاد را
The Khwája sprang up, and losing patience he seized the countryman by his collar,
خواجه بر جست و بیامد ناشکفت ** روستایی را گریبانش گرفت
Crying, “O fool and cutpurse, thou hast shown hypocrisy: thou hast eaten both beng and opium together.
کابله طرار شید آوردهای ** بنگ و افیون هر دو با هم خوردهای
Amidst three darknesses thou knowest the wind of the ass: how dost not thou know me, O giddy-head?665
در سه تاریکی شناسی باد خر ** چون ندانی مر مرا ای خیرهسر
He that knows a colt at midnight, how should he not know his own ten years' comrade?”
آنک داند نیمشب گوساله را ** چون نداند همره دهساله را
Thou art feigning to be a gnostic and distraught (with love of God): thou art throwing dust in the eyes of generosity,
خویشتن را عارف و واله کنی ** خاک در چشم مروت میزنی
Saying, “I have no consciousness even of myself: in my heart there is no room for aught but God.
که مرا از خویش هم آگاه نیست ** در دلم گنجای جز الله نیست
I have no recollection of what I ate yesterday: this heart takes joy in nothing except bewilderment.
آنچ دی خوردم از آنم یاد نیست ** این دل از غیر تحیر شاد نیست
I am sane and maddened by God: remember (this), and (since I am) in such a state of selflessness, hold me excusable.670
عاقل و مجنون حقم یاد آر ** در چنین بیخویشیم معذور دار
He that eats carrion, that is to say, (drinks) date-wine—the (religious) Law enrols him amongst those who are excused.
آنک مرداری خورد یعنی نبید ** شرع او را سوی معذوران کشید
The drunkard and eater of beng has not (the right of) divorce or barter; he is even as a child: he is a person absolved and emancipated.
مست و بنگی را طلاق و بیع نیست ** همچو طفلست او معاف و معتقیست
The intoxication that arises from the scent of the unique King—a hundred vats of wine never wrought that (intoxication) in head and brain.
مستیی کید ز بوی شاه فرد ** صد خم می در سر و مغز آن نکرد
To him (the God-intoxicated man), then, how should the obligation (to keep the Law) be applicable? The horse is fallen (out of account) and has become unable to move.
پس برو تکلیف چون باشد روا ** اسب ساقط گشت و شد بی دست و پا
Who in the world would lay a load upon the ass-colt? Who would give lessons in Persian to Bú Murra?675
بار کی نهد در جهان خرکره را ** درس کی دهد پارسی بومره را
When lameness comes, the load is taken off: God hath said,It is no sin in the blind.
بار بر گیرند چون آمد عرج ** گفت حق لیس علی الاعمی حرج
I have become blind in regard to myself, seeing by (the grace of) God: therefore I am absolved from the small (obligation) and from the great.”
سوی خود اعمی شدم از حق بصیر ** پس معافم از قلیل و از کثیر