- Saying, “O officers, go back thither, and look very carefully in the upper rooms.”
- کای عوانان باز گردید آن طرف ** نیک نیکو بنگرید اندر غرف
- How it was divinely revealed to the mother of Moses that she should throw Moses into the water.
- وحی آمدن به مادر موسی کی موسی را در آب افکن
- Once more the revelation came: “Throw him into the water; keep thy face in hope and do not tear thy hair.
- باز وحی آمد که در آبش فکن ** روی در اومید دار و مو مکن
- Throw him into the Nile and put trust (in Me): I will bring thee to him happily.” 960
- در فکن در نیلش و کن اعتماد ** من ترا با وی رسانم رو سپید
- This discourse hath no end. All his (Pharaoh's) plots (only) entangled his (own) legs and feet.
- این سخن پایان ندارد مکرهاش ** جمله میپیچید هم در ساق و پاش
- He was killing hundreds of thousands of children outside, (whilst) Moses (remained) indoors in the upper part of the house.
- صد هزاران طفل میکشت او برون ** موسی اندر صدر خانه در درون
- Wherever were embryos (new-born children), in his frenzy that far-seeing blind man was killing them by cunning devices.
- از جنون میکشت هر جا بد جنین ** از حیل آن کورچشم دوربین
- The craft of the iniquitous Pharaoh was a dragon: it had devoured the craft of the kings of the world;
- اژدها بد مکر فرعون عنود ** مکر شاهان جهان را خورده بود
- But one that was a greater Pharaoh than it came into sight and swallowed both him and his craft. 965
- لیک ازو فرعونتر آمد پدید ** هم ورا هم مکر او را در کشید
- It (Pharaoh's craft) was a dragon: the rod (of Moses) became a dragon, and this devoured that by the aid of God.
- اژدها بود و عصا شد اژدها ** این بخورد آن را به توفیق خدا
- Hand is above hand: how far is this (series)? Up to God, for unto Him is the end.
- دست شد بالای دست این تا کجا ** تا بیزدان که الیه المنتهی