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  • “Yes,” he replied; “He is the Protector and the Self-sufficient for (preserving) my existence from (the time of) infancy and conception.” 355
  • گفت آری او حفیظست و غنی ** هستی ما را ز طفلی و منی
  • He (the Jew) said, “Come, cast thyself down from the roof, put an entire confidence in the protection of God,
  • گفت خود را اندر افکن هین ز بام ** اعتمادی کن بحفظ حق تمام
  • So that thy sure faith and thy goodly proven conviction may become evident to me.”
  • تا یقین گرددمرا ایقان تو ** و اعتقاد خوب با برهان تو
  • Then the Prince said to him, “Be silent, go, lest for this boldness thy soul be pawned (given over to perdition).”
  • پس امیرش گفت خامش کن برو ** تا نگردد جانت زین جرات گرو
  • How is it right for a servant (of God) to venture on an experiment with God by making trial (of Him)?
  • کی رسد مر بنده را که با خدا ** آزمایش پیش آرد ز ابتلا
  • How should a servant (of God) have the stomach vaingloriously to put Him to the test, O mad fool? 360
  • بنده را کی زهره باشد کز فضول ** امتحان حق کند ای گیج گول
  • To God (alone) belongs that (right), who brings forward a test for His servants at every moment,
  • آن خدا را می‌رسد کو امتحان ** پیش آرد هر دمی با بندگان
  • In order that He may show us plainly to ourselves (and reveal) what beliefs we hold in secret.
  • تا به ما ما را نماید آشکار ** که چه داریم از عقیده در سرار
  • Did Adam ever say to God, “I made trial of Thee in (committing) this sin and trespass,
  • هیچ آدم گفت حق را که ترا ** امتحان کردم درین جرم و خطا
  • That I might see the utmost limit of Thy clemency, O King?” Ah, who would be capable of (seeing) this, who?
  • تا ببینم غایت حلمت شها ** اه کرا باشد مجال این کرا