Then again he (the Prophet) drew him back for (his) good, saying, “Come to thyself; return, O thou who wilt gain advantage (by doing so).
باز بهر مصلحت بازش کشید ** که به خویش آ باز رو ای مستفید
’Tis not the time for bewilderment: bewilderment is in front of thee; just now advance on thy way briskly and speedily.”3170
وقت حیرت نیست حیرت پیش تست ** این زمان در ره در آ چالاک و چست
He (the slave) laid the hands of Mustafá (Mohammed) on his face and gave (them) many loving kisses.
دستهای مصطفی بر رو نهاد ** بوسههای عاشقانه بس بداد
Then Mustafá rubbed his blessed hand on his (the slave's) face and made it fortunate.
مصطفی دست مبارک بر رخش ** آن زمان مالید و کرد او فرخش
That Abyssinian negro became white as the full moon, and his night turned into bright day.
شد سپید آن زنگی و زادهی حبش ** همچو بدر و روز روشن شد شبش
He became a Joseph in beauty and in coquetry: he (the Prophet) said to him, “Now go home and relate what has befallen thee.”
یوسفی شد در جمال و در دلال ** گفتش اکنون رو بده وا گوی حال
He was going along, without head or foot, intoxicated (with ecstasy): in going he knew not foot from hand.3175
او همیشد بی سر و بی پای مست ** پای مینشناخت در رفتن ز دست
Then from the neighbourhood of the caravan he came hastening with two full water-skins to his master.
پس بیامد با دو مشک پر روان ** سوی خواجه از نواحی کاروان
How the master saw his slave white and did not recognise him and said, “Thou hast killed my slave: the murder hath found thee out, and God hath thrown thee into my hands.”
دیدن خواجه غلام خود را سپید و ناشناختن کی اوست و گفتن کی غلام مرا تو کشتهای خونت گرفت و خدا ترا به دست من انداخت
The master espied him from afar and remained bewildered: from amazement he called (to his presence) the people of the village.
خواجه از دورش بدید و خیره ماند ** از تحیر اهل آن ده را بخواند
“This,” said he, “is my water-skin and my camel: where, then, is my swart-browed slave gone?
راویهی ما اشتر ما هست این ** پس کجا شد بندهی زنگیجبین
This man coming from afar is (like) a full-moon: the light from his countenance strikes upon (and prevails against) the daylight.
این یکی بدریست میآید ز دور ** میزند بر نور روز از روش نور
Where is my slave? Perchance he has lost his way, or a wolf has overtaken him and he has been killed.”3180
کو غلام ما مگر سرگشته شد ** یا بدو گرگی رسید و کشته شد
When he came before him, he (the master) said, “Who art thou? Art thou a native of Yemen or a Turcoman?
چون بیامد پیش گفتش کیستی ** از یمن زادی و یا ترکیستی
Tell (me), what hast thou done to my slave? Speak the truth! If thou hast killed him, declare it! Do not seek evasion.”
گو غلامم را چه کردی راست گو ** گر بکشتی وا نما حیلت مجو
He replied, “If I have killed him, how have I come to thee? How have I come with my own feet into this blood?”
گفت اگر کشتم بتو چون آمدم ** چون به پای خود درین خون آمدم
(He asked again), “Where is my slave?” He (the slave) said, “Lo, I am (he): the hand of God's grace hath made me resplendent.”
کو غلام من بگفت اینک منم ** کرد دست فضل یزدان روشنم
“Eh, what art thou saying? Where is my slave? Hark, thou wilt not escape from me except by (telling) the truth.”3185
هی چه میگویی غلام من کجاست ** هین نخواهی رست از من جز براست
He (the slave) said, “I will relate all thy secret dealings with that slave, one by one;
گفت اسرار ترا با آن غلام ** جمله وا گویم یکایک من تمام
I will relate what has passed (between us) from the time when thou didst purchase me until now,
زان زمانی که خریدی تو مرا ** تا به اکنون باز گویم ماجرا
That thou mayst know I am the same in (my spiritual) existence, though a (bright) dawn has opened forth from my night-hued (body).
تا بدانی که همانم در وجود ** گرچه از شبدیز من صبحی گشود
The colour is changed; but the pure spirit is free from colour and from the (four) elements and the dust.”
رنگ دیگر شد ولیکن جان پاک ** فارغ از رنگست و از ارکان و خاک
They that know the body (alone) soon lose us; (but) they that quaff the (spiritual) water abandon the (bodily) water-skin and jar.3190
تنشناسان زود ما را گم کنند ** آبنوشان ترک مشک و خم کنند
They that know the spirit are free from numbers (plurality): they are sunk in the Sea that is without quality or quantity.
جانشناسان از عددها فارغاند ** غرقهی دریای بیچونند و چند
Become spirit and know spirit by means of spirit: become the friend of vision (clairvoyant), not the child of ratiocination.
جان شو و از راه جان جان را شناس ** یار بینش شو نه فرزند قیاس
Forasmuch as the Angel is one in origin with Intelligence, (and) they have (only) become two (different) forms for the sake of (the Divine) Wisdom—
چون ملک با عقل یک سررشتهاند ** بهر حکمت را دو صورت گشتهاند