Then again he (the Prophet) drew him back for (his) good, saying, “Come to thyself; return, O thou who wilt gain advantage (by doing so).
باز بهر مصلحت بازش کشید ** که به خویش آ باز رو ای مستفید
’Tis not the time for bewilderment: bewilderment is in front of thee; just now advance on thy way briskly and speedily.”3170
وقت حیرت نیست حیرت پیش تست ** این زمان در ره در آ چالاک و چست
He (the slave) laid the hands of Mustafá (Mohammed) on his face and gave (them) many loving kisses.
دستهای مصطفی بر رو نهاد ** بوسههای عاشقانه بس بداد
Then Mustafá rubbed his blessed hand on his (the slave's) face and made it fortunate.
مصطفی دست مبارک بر رخش ** آن زمان مالید و کرد او فرخش
That Abyssinian negro became white as the full moon, and his night turned into bright day.
شد سپید آن زنگی و زادهی حبش ** همچو بدر و روز روشن شد شبش
He became a Joseph in beauty and in coquetry: he (the Prophet) said to him, “Now go home and relate what has befallen thee.”
یوسفی شد در جمال و در دلال ** گفتش اکنون رو بده وا گوی حال
He was going along, without head or foot, intoxicated (with ecstasy): in going he knew not foot from hand.3175
او همیشد بی سر و بی پای مست ** پای مینشناخت در رفتن ز دست
Then from the neighbourhood of the caravan he came hastening with two full water-skins to his master.
پس بیامد با دو مشک پر روان ** سوی خواجه از نواحی کاروان
How the master saw his slave white and did not recognise him and said, “Thou hast killed my slave: the murder hath found thee out, and God hath thrown thee into my hands.”
دیدن خواجه غلام خود را سپید و ناشناختن کی اوست و گفتن کی غلام مرا تو کشتهای خونت گرفت و خدا ترا به دست من انداخت
The master espied him from afar and remained bewildered: from amazement he called (to his presence) the people of the village.
خواجه از دورش بدید و خیره ماند ** از تحیر اهل آن ده را بخواند
“This,” said he, “is my water-skin and my camel: where, then, is my swart-browed slave gone?
راویهی ما اشتر ما هست این ** پس کجا شد بندهی زنگیجبین