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  • Beside those lights the daylight was (murky as) dregs: by their intensity they were obliterating (all other) lights.
  • پیش آن انوار نور روز درد ** از صلابت نورها را می‌سترد
  • How those candles now became seven trees.
  • باز شدن آن شمعها هفت درخت
  • Then each man assumed the shape of a tree: my eye was happy in their greenery.
  • باز هر یک مرد شد شکل درخت ** چشمم از سبزی ایشان نیکبخت
  • On account of the denseness of the leaves no boughs were visible; the leaves too had become scant (had almost vanished) on account of the plenteous fruit.
  • زانبهی برگ پیدا نیست شاخ ** برگ هم گم گشته از میوه‌ی فراخ
  • Every tree had thrown its boughs above the Sidra: what of the Sidra? They had reached beyond the Void. 2005
  • هر درختی شاخ بر سدره زده ** سدره چه بود از خلا بیرون شده
  • The root of each (tree) had gone (down) into the bottom of the earth: assuredly it was lower than the Ox and the Fish.
  • بیخ هر یک رفته در قعر زمین ** زیرتر از گاو و ماهی بد یقین
  • Their roots were more smiling of face than the boughs: the intellect (was turned) upside down (confused and bewildered) by their shapes.
  • بیخشان از شاخ خندان‌روی‌تر ** عقل از آن اشکالشان زیر و زبر
  • From the fruit that was bursting forcibly flashes of light would spurt forth, like juice.
  • میوه‌ای که بر شکافیدی ز زور ** همچو آب از میوه جستی برق نور
  • How those trees were invisible to the people.
  • مخفی بودن آن درختان ازچشم خلق
  • More wondrous (than all else) was this, that hundreds of thousands of people were passing through the desert and plain beside them,
  • این عجب‌تر که بریشان می‌گذشت ** صد هزاران خلق از صحرا و دشت
  • Hazarding their lives (ready to sacrifice everything) in desire for shade, and making a parasol out of a woollen garment, 2010
  • ز آرزوی سایه جان می‌باختند ** از گلیمی سایه‌بان می‌ساختند
  • And not seeing the shade of those (trees) at all. A hundred spittings on (such) distorted eyes!
  • سایه‌ی آن را نمی‌دیدند هیچ ** صد تفو بر دیده‌های پیچ پیچ
  • The wrath of God had sealed their eyes, so that he (such a one) should not see the moon, (but) should see (only) Suhá.
  • ختم کرده قهر حق بر دیده‌ها ** که نبیند ماه را بیند سها
  • He sees a mote, (but) not the sun; yet he is not despairing of the grace and loving kindness of God.
  • ذره‌ای را بیند و خورشید نه ** لیک از لطف و کرم نومید نه
  • The caravans are without food, and (yet) these fruits are dropping ripe (beside them): O God, what magic is this?
  • کاروانها بی نوا وین میوه‌ها ** پخته می‌ریزد چه سحرست ای خدا
  • With parched throats the people, having fallen pell-mell to plunder, were gathering the rotten apples, 2015
  • سیب پوسیده همی‌چیدند خلق ** درهم افتاده بیغما خشک‌حلق
  • (While) every leaf and bud of those boughs said continually, ‘Oh, would that my people knew!’
  • گفته هر برگ و شکوفه آن غصون ** دم بدم یا لیت قوم یعلمون
  • From the direction of every tree was coming the cry, ‘Come towards us, O ye folk of evil fortune,’
  • بانگ می‌آمد ز سوی هر درخت ** سوی ما آیید خلق شوربخت
  • (While) from (the Divine) jealousy there was coming to the trees the cry, ‘We have bandaged their eyes;nay, there is no refuge.’
  • بانگ می‌آمد ز غیرت بر شجر ** چشمشان بستیم کلا لا وزر
  • If any one had said to them ‘Go in this direction, that ye may be made happy by these trees,’
  • گر کسی می‌گفتشان کین سو روید ** تا ازین اشجار مستسعد شوید
  • They all would have said, ‘By Divine destiny this poor intoxicated wretch has become mad: 2020
  • جمله می‌گفتند کین مسکین مست ** از قضاء الله دیوانه شدست
  • Through long melancholy and through austerities the brain of this poor wretch has turned putrid, like an onion.’
  • مغز این مسکین ز سودای دراز ** وز ریاضت گشت فاسد چون پیاز
  • He would have remained in astonishment, saying, ‘O Lord, what is the matter? What is this veil (blindness) and misguidance that is upon the people?’
  • او عجب می‌ماند یا رب حال چیست ** خلق را این پرده و اضلال چیست
  • The people of every sort, (though endowed) with manifold discernment and understanding, do not move a foot in that direction.
  • خلق گوناگون با صد رای و عقل ** یک قدم آن سو نمی‌آرند نقل
  • By one consent the intelligent and acute amongst them have become incredulous of such a garden as this and undutiful.
  • عاقلان و زیرکانشان ز اتفاق ** گشته منکر زین چنین باغی و عاق
  • Or have I become mad and crazy? Has the Devil cast something (of delusion) upon my head? 2025
  • یا منم دیوانه و خیره شده ** دیو چیزی مرا مرا بر سر زده
  • At every moment I rub my eyes, (considering) whether I am dreaming and beholding a phantom in (the world of) time.
  • چشم می‌مالم بهر لحظه که من ** خواب می‌بینم خیال اندر زمن